
Art critics found Régent’s Erasure series to be reminiscent of Rauschenberg’s transfer drawings, describing them as both expressive and surreal. To the artist, they are markers to the other side, portholes that become visible only as the non-essential is stripped away. They originally appeared in a solo exhibition at the Abel Joseph Gallery, Chicago, September 1992.


Peaceful You

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 20 x 12 inches.


Mother & Child

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 9 x 7 inches.


“…The wrinkled and sagging paper of Pellerin’s heavily worked images resembles the flaking surfaces of decaying frescoes. And, as in viewing a faded work, one is surprised when unexpectedly the fragment of an image appears. “Mother & Child” is a haunting piece composed of a single open eye in profile and a closed eye in a frontal position. Both of these elements can be easily overlooked as they delicately cling to the large field of discolored paper. The works title, however, alerts one to the identity of the subject and the diagonal spatial relationship between the eyes completes the suggestion of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child. Pellerin’s sensitive reinterpretation of a clichéd image-diminished through time and multiple reproductions-revives the passion and poetry once elicited by the original work…” —John Brunetti, New Art Examiner



Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 16 x 13 inches.


The Eye

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 9 x 7 inches.


Soft Spoken

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 9 x 7 inches.


A gentle jolt surfaces
from locked places
set free
yet again



Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 20 x 12 inches.

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass.
Set of two; 20 x 16 inches each.


Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 16 x 13 inches.


Going Against The Way

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 12 x 20 inches.


The Watch

Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 11 x 24 inches.



Found prints, layers of dust, bleeding pigment, repurposed formica, under Plexiglass, 72 x 96 inches.


Smiles (in Private Collection)

Vogue magazines, organic milk paint, repurposed formica, under thick glass, 55 x 51 inches.