Les Chandelier de la Terre

Les Chandelier de la Terre (The Chandeliers of The Earth): Boldly seeing, engaging and entering into the dance of life with the beings we have the great fortune to share the earth, air and water with. Birds and bugs, fish, elephants and various animals, wild and domestic, speak to our humanity, and reach out for our touch.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 72 x 48 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 76 x 84 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 96 x 108 inches.


Blue Jays

Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 72 x 48 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 48 x 60 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 72 x 36 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 60 x 48 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 60 x 48 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 40 x 36 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 40 x 36 inches.


Tiger moth and butterfly

skim and dip deftly

discovering nectar

on wing —
Do we?


Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 81 x 62 inches.



Organic dyes, non-toxic paint on layers of recycled cardboard and fabric. 60 x 48 inches.